The heart is capable of organizing this world.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Some warming recipes for the wintertime!

 I thought I'd share some recipes that I've been enjoying lately--chopping veggies is a great way to take a break from reading!

This one's from a former housemate, Adam. I love it in the winter--especially when I used to work at the pizza cart on those days when I needed a break from eating too much pizza! It's a great way to get your fresh veggies in & it's got your folic acid & the dark leafy greens for fiber & cancer-fighting benefits! And your avocado with the good fats! The amounts on this one are just kind of approximations--sorry--so, you might have to kind of adjust things a bit to your taste!

Massaged Kale Salad

 -one bunch Kale
-five to seven green onions
-1/2 c. lemon or lime juice
-generous amount of salt
-1/2 c. walnuts
-1/2 c. dried cranberries
-(added when you are ready to eat:) 1/2 mashed avocado
or  goddess dressing (I like Annie's Naturals) or just eat it plain!

Chop the kale and the green onions, put in a large bowl. Add the lemon juice & generously salt the kale. You use your hands to "massage" the greens to break the kale down a little--or, if you are like me & always seem to have some little papercut on your hands--get a wooden spoon and just mash the kale a bit to the sides of the bowl.  Add the walnuts & cranberries. You can eat some right away, but I like it best when it has a chance to sit in the fridge overnight--it kind of wilts the kale a little. When you are ready to serve/eat, you can also add some mashed avocado or goddess dressing! If it doesn't have enough flavor, add some more lemon juice or salt! : ) 

This one is a favorite of mine that's pretty easy to do in the crock pot & I love to stick the extra portions in the freezer for lunches during the week! (thanks to Mama Ruth & Grandma Ella for this recipe!)

Apple Curry Chicken

-1-2 chopped onions
-2 chopped apples
-32 oz. chicken broth
-1 can cream of mushroom soup
-1 cup light sour cream
-1-2 Tablespoon curry powder
-3-4 chicken breasts, cooked & chopped up

Cook & chop up the chicken breast. Stick in fridge. Throw the chopped onion and chopped apples in the crock pot on high. Add the chicken broth. Leave til cooked through (the onions and apples should be translucent--probably about an hour). Add mushroom soup, sour cream, curry powder, and cooked chicken. Let cook til bubbly. Serve with rice!


Carrot Ginger Coconut Soup

-5-8 carrots, chopped
-1 apple (or pear), cubed
-1 small onion, cubed
-1 med red potato, thinly chopped
-1 red bell pepper, chopped
-1-2 T olive oil
-2 teaspoons fresh ginger, peeled & minced
-32 oz chicken broth (or veggie broth)
-1 can coconut milk
-2 teaspoons sugar
-salt to taste

 Chop your veggies! They can be kinda rough, as they'll get pureed later. In a large pan, saute all veggies in olive oil til cooked (I like start with the potatoes til mostly cooked; then add onion, carrots, pepper & apple; and in the last minute, the ginger). Puree your veggies with the chicken broth in your food processor/blender--you'll probably have to do in several small batches & maybe don't use all the liquid! Pour into pot, add the coconut milk & sugar and salt & heat up on stove--this one's kinda thick, so stir pretty regularly. This recipe also tends to taste better after it's sat in the fridge a few hours--the flavors blend a bit!

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